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Online or remote Counselling - You may contact me by phone, email or Skype to arrange online or telephone counselling. See my contact details at bottom of this page. 
Counselling by phone: This method allows you to obtain counselling without leaving your home (over the  phone) and is ideal for people who are not able or do not like to undertake face to face  counselling for many varied reasons.  It is important that you have a confidential environment in which you can speak freely and comfortably. 
Counselling by voice/video: I use VSee which is a safe and confidential platform that allows us to hear and see each other using the app on a mobile or computer with a webcam and microphone.  It also allows us to simply send messages or talk without video. You can download Vsee from for free and it's easy and safe to install. You will need to set up a personal account. Vsee also offers a confidential platform that is free from adware/malware/spyware etc.
 VSee is similar to Skype but offers higher levels of confidentiality through their encryption methods.
If you would like to have your counselling sessions online you may start by contacting me by telephone, by email or through my contact page so that we can discuss a how remote counselling works, your preferences and exchange our Vsee contact details. 
What happens if we encounter technical Issues?
Sometimes technology fails and this should be expected. If communication issues occur due to technology problems, I would ask you to call me or text me directly on +351939902680 (PT) or +447503975675 (UK).
Ensuring confidentiality:  
Vsee protects data privacy in that all audio/video communication is securely encrypted and transmitted from point-to-point such that even VSee does not have access to any identifiable health information that may be communicated. 
Please see Vsee privacy information on 
It is important to mention that absolute security in the digital world is hard to guarantee, due to the potential of hacking for example, and therefore it is important that your Vsee software is downloaded on a secure computer or mobile phone. To reinforce privacy, download the program on your personal computer and use a password protected internet connection when online. Additionally, you can choose a username that does not identify you by name. As the therapist I make every reasonable effort to implement technical security measures that reduce risks of a confidentiality breach. However, I cannot be held responsible if any outside party gains access to your account information by bypassing your own online security measures. I ask you to ensure that your platform is protected and decide if any security limitations are acceptable to you before you proceed with the service. I will take all reasonable steps to ensure adequate levels of security for the type of service being provided. 
Charges and how to pay:
Individual session (60 minutes)  – £60  per session
Couple's session (60 minutes)  – £70  per session
You can pay by bank transfer or paypal (details provided when you make contact).
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